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Faulhaber Motion Controller family with standardised CANopen interface

newFaulhaber Motion Controller with CANopen interface

With the new CANopen interface, FAULHABER has now also made its complete Motion Control product range compatible with the preferred field bus for multi-axis applications in automation technology. In addition to the external controllers of the MC 3002, 3003 and 3006 series, the integrated 22 … BX4 CxD, 32xx … BX4 Cx and 3564 … B Cx versions with the new interface are also available. With only 22 mm in diameter, FAULHABER hereby presents a complete system made of brushless DC Servomotors and the smallest integrated CANopen Motion Controller in the world......[more]

Faulhaber Brushless DC-Servomotors Series 0824...B and 1028...B

new Faulhaber Brushless DC-Servomotors 0824...B and 1028...B

These two new, extremely compact brushless DC servomotors combine power, robustness and high-resolution feedback in a unique way. This innovative drive concept underlines FAULHABER's successful tradition in the area of micro drive technology and complements the range of brushless 'mini' DC servomotors with diameters ranging from 6 to 12 mm.....[more]

Faulhaber Brushless DC-Servomotors Series 1218...B

new  Faulhaber Brushless DC-Servomotors 1218...B

FAULHABER has expanded its high performance range of brushless DC servomotors to include the new Series 1218….B. It is designed to address applications where high power and overall motor size is a key requirement. Its 18 mm length makes it the most compact drive on the market in the 12 mm diameter size. It has a wide standard operating temperature range from -20°C to 100°C. Based on the revolutionary System FAULHABER ironless stator winding design, the motor provides a reliable option for challenging fields of application such as medical pumps, robotics, and laboratory automation....[more]

Faulhaber DC-Micromotor Series 1336 &  1741...CXR

NEW Faulhaber DC-Micromotors Series 1336 and 1741...CXR In introducing the new DC-Micromotors Series 1336…CXR and 1741…CXR, FAULHABER has further expanded its range of miniature drives in the medium power segment. The graphite-commutated motors are based on the proven concept of the CXR series and feature premium-quality materials. ...[more]



Faulhaber spindle drive systems BS32-2.0

NEW Faulhaber spindle drive systems BS32-2.0 The new ball screws used in Series BS 32-2.0 allow the rotational movement of micromotors to be converted to linear stroke or tensile movements with minimal travel variations of less than 5 μm over the absolute travel distance. Combination with motors and mounted components such as high-resolution encoders or integrated Motion Controllers guarantees maximum precision, ideal for demanding positioning tasks such as optical filters, glass-fiber technology, lens adjustment in optical systems or micro actuators for medical technology. ...[more] 



Faulhaber Motion Controller Series MC 3002

NEW Faulhaber Motion Controller Series MC 3002 FAULHABER has further extended its comprehensive portfolio of control solutions by introducing the Motion Controller MC 3002 series for miniature drives in the lower power range. The extremely compact electronics can be used for the operation of DC-Micromotors as well as for both brushless and linear DC-Servomotors....[more]

Faulhaber v2.5 Motion Controller MC...3003 and MC...3006

NEW Faulhaber Motion Controller series MC ... 3003 and 3006

With the new Motion Controller Platform v2.5, FAULHABER is offering a cross-motor range of Motion Controllers that now includes drives with absolute encoders. At the same time, users will benefit from greater flexibility and enhanced ease-of-application. ...[more]

Faulhaber DC-Micromotor series 3272

NEW Faulhaber DC-Micromotor series 3272

In launching Series 3272 … CR, FAULHABER has set a new standard within the category of DC-Micromotors with graphite commutation. Incorporating premium-quality materials and produced with the help of cutting-edge process technology, the highly robust and durable miniature drive boasts torque of up to 120 mNm while measuring just 32 mm in diameter and 72 mm in length. ...[more] 

Faulhaber Speed Controller series SC 5004 and SC 5008

NEW Faulhaber Speed Controller series SC 5004 and SC 5008

FAULHABER is adding two new Speed Controllers to its controller range. The PI Controller series is software-configurable – so no need for trimmers or DIP switches – and can be operated with one and the same controller, either as brushed direct current motors (DC) or electronically commuted drives (BL), also with integrated Hall sensors. Depending on the operating mode, the speed can be controlled to between 50 and 60,000 rpm. ...[more]

Dunkermotoren High current controller in combination with brushless DC motor for battery powered application

NEW Dunkermotoren High current controller in combination with brushless DC motor for battery powered applications

Dunkermotoren extend their portfolio by an interesting new solution, consisting of a high current controller and a perfectly matched brushless DC motor for the use in battery powered applications (12/ 24V) or with low voltage supply....[more]